Pistol Competitions Are Back!

Published: Tue, 10/22/13

74-16 Jamaica Avenue, 
Woodhaven, NY 11421
Monday & Friday 1pm to 6pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 1pm to 8pm
Saturday 10am to 5pm


A 480 Combat Pistol Competition will be held at the range on Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 2pm.  This competition is open to any centerfire pistol with any barrel length and any sights.

Target  -  Reduced Prehle Silhouette

Course of Fire - 4 Stages - 1 Target at each Stage - 12 Rounds at each Stage

1st Stage  -  25 Feet  -  12 Rounds  -  35 Seconds

2nd Stage -  25 Feet  -  12 Rounds  -  35 Seconds

3rd Stage  -  50 Feet  -  12 Rounds  -  45 Seconds

4th Stage  -  50 Feet  -  12 Rounds  -  45 Seconds

Total - 48 Rounds

Free Standing Position - One or Two Hands

If you are interested in participating in this competition, ask at the range about getting started.   You will find it fun and challenging.  

First Time Shooters Welcome and Encouraged !!